School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan - Dr. Bagdagul Mussa Participates in the International Scientific and Practical Conference in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

School Conferences

Dr. Bagdagul Mussa Participates in the International Scientific and Practical Conference in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

​Dr. Bagdagul MUSSA participated with the papers “Шет тіл үйрету барысында ұлттық құндылықтар" (National Values  in Learning and Teaching a Foreign Language) and "Шет тілін үйрену және үйретуде аударманың рөлі" (The role of Translation in Learning and Teaching a Foreign Language) and in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of forming national cultural competence in training of specialists in the field of foreign language, translation studies, international relations", organized by The Diplomatic Translation Department of International Relations Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within the framework of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP14869709 “Features of teaching foreign languages based on national values" and dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which were held on February 27, 2024 and April 23, 2024 respectively.

The international scientific and practical conference was attended by foreign and Kazakhstani researchers, representatives of academic and expert community from Kazakhstan, CIS countries, far abroad including Algeria, China, France, Greece, Japan, Jordan, Madagascar, Switzerland and United Kingdom, and etc.