School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Korean and English Languages / Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix

  Learning outcomes


Course Title

Number of the course123456789
Korean language for specialization (1)2234130××       
Korean language for specialization (2)2234131××       
Listening comprehension and conversation/Korean2204200  ×  ×   
Pronunciation and speaking/ Korean2204205 ×       
Grammar (1) Korean2204206  ×     ×
Korean writing2204207 ×       
Introduction to Korean Literature2204309   ×     
Translation (1) (Korean – Arabic)2204310 ×      ×
Grammar (2) Korean2204311 ×       
Korean language for business purposes2204312     ×   
Korean language in the field of journalism and media2204315       × 
Reading and dialogue / Korean2204414   ×  ×× 
Translation (2) (Arabic-Korean) 2204415 ×      ×
Special topic on Korean literature2204418    ××    ​