School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Russian and English Languages / Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix

  Learning outcomes


Course Title

Number of the course123456789
Russian language for specialization (1)2204101××       
Russian language for specialization (2)2204102××       
Listening comprehension and conversation/Russian2204201  ×  ×   
Grammar (1) Russian2204203 ×       
Pronunciation and speaking / Russian2204202  ×     ×
Russian writing2204204 ×       
Introduction to Russian Literature2204301   ×     
Translation (1) (Russian – Arabic)2204302 ×      ×
Grammar (2) Russian2204303 ×       
Russian literature in the first half of the nineteenth century2204304   ×     
Reading and dialogue / Russian2204401   ×  ×× 
Contemporary Russian literature2204402   ××    
Special topic in the Russian language2204403     ×    ​