School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese and English Languages / Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix

  Learning outcomes


Course Title

Number of the course123456789
Chinese language for specialization (1)2204103××       
Chinese language for specialization (2)2204104××       
Listening comprehension and conversation/Chinese2204208  ×  ×   
Pronunciation and Speaking/Chinese2204210 ×       
Grammar(1)/Chinese2204209  ×     ×
Writing/Chinese2204211 ×       
Introduction to Chinese Literature2204318   ×     
Translation (1) (Chinese-Arabic)2204320 ×      ×
Grammar (2)/Chinese2204321 ×       
Chinese literature until the "Wu Si Movement" of May 4, 19192204322   ×     
Reading and Dialogue / Chinese2204420   ×  ×× 
Contemporary Chinese Literature2204421   ××    
Special topic in Chinese language2204422     ×   
Translation (2) (Arabic – Chinese)2204423 ×      × ​