School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan - The French Department participats in deliberations about Francophone novels

School News

  • 06 - Mar
  • 2024

The French Department participats in deliberations about Francophone novels

Under the supervision of Professor Shereen Kakish, seven students from the French Department participated in discussions about recently published Francophone novels. These novels were read, evaluated, and categorized as part of the East Choice Prize, an award recognizing outstanding Francophone literary works. The event was organized by the regional office of the Agency of Francophone Universities, in collaboration with the Goncourt Academy, French institutes, and French embassies in the Middle East. Students and professors from various Jordanian universities attended the meeting at the French Institute in Amman on Sunday, March 3, 2024.
Dr. Salma Kojok moderated these discussions, serving as preparation for the students for the final deliberations scheduled in Beirut on March 6. 
Our student, Sarah Al-Amarneh, the representative of the Jury of the French Department at the University of Jordan, represented our university in these deliberations. This event was organized by the French Institute in Amman as part of the activities during the Francophone days.


