School of Foreign Languages - The University of Jordan - UK-based scholar lectures on Shakespeare to PhD students at English Department

School News

  • 30 - Nov
  • 2016

UK-based scholar lectures on Shakespeare to PhD students at English Department

Early Modern English Literature scholar and lecturer at University of Salford Manchester, UK, Dr. Lucia Nigri gave on November 28th, 2016 a talk to a group of PhD students at the Department of English Language & Literature. Dr. Nigri's presentation on Shakespeare's history play King Richard III was addressed, via Skype, to a class convened by Dr. Yousef Awad. Dr. Nigri explained how Shakespeare's play can be read within a context of legitimizing the reign of the House of Tudor represented by King Henry VII who had dethroned King Richard III in 1485. Dr. Nigri's presentation was followed by a productive Q & A session.