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In cooperation with the Jordan Tourism Board in Jordan, Dr. Ahlam Sbaihat from the the Spanish Language section participated  in hosting the teamwork of a program titled "We Will Eat The World" which arrived on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. Sbaihat accompanied the team while producing the documentary film is about the popular historical places and dishes in Jordan.  

The program is broadcast on AMC global channels which is watched by more than 40 million viewers in Spain and Portugal. Seven million viewers watched Canal Cocina channel . "We Will Eat The World" is the first specialized program produced by the Spanish channel Canal Cocina. It is about adventurous journeys to different countries around the world in order to discover their cultures and traditions.   


The Department of Linguistics organized a seminar titled "Language and Society" on Tuesday 01/03/2016 which  was attended by the Head  of the Department and a number of faculty members. Dr. Inam Alwir  from Essex University talked about the steps that led to the formation of the of Amman dialect as we see it and hear it now. The subject grasped the attention of many linguists and writers such as novelist Zulekha Abu Risha. The audience interacted and participated in the discussion.​

 on Tuesday, 8/3/2016, Dr. Ahlam Sbaihat  attended a celebration held by The Union of Arab Photographers in Jordan in "Memories of the Country" café. On behalf of Interlingua initiative at The University of Jordan, Dr. Ahlam Sbaihat delivered a speech about active Jordanian females on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. She asserted that now there are hundreds of women participating in the spreading of the Arabic articles on Wikipedia. Before this initiative, there were only two activists in Jordan. Students in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​will participate along with their sisters in other Arab countries to build an Arab knowledge database that will continue to be used by future generations. She hopes that members of this initiative will be leaders in the future.  This event was also attended by members of the Union, and Samer Khraino, Executive Director of Culture at The Greater Amman Municipality.  The attendants remembered the late comic photographer Amira Homsi, Dean of Jordanian photographers, and displayed images of her career life.​

The Turkish Section and Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center organized a meeting, which was held on Monday March 14th, 2016 in the Turkish Corner, for the students of University of Jordan interested in applying for the MA and PhD Scholarships (Turkiye Burslari) offered by the Turkish Government. Coordinator of the section Dr. Bagdagul MUSA opened the meeting and Director of the Turkish Cultural Center Mr. Yunus Emre CANBAY answered all questions about the scholarships.  



Doctor Ahlam Sbaihat participated in InterLingua @ net Initiative, which began its activities three years ago in order to build Arab knowledge through several educational services, including translation and Arabization of works for foreign writers and Arabization of Wikipedia encyclopedias. The Initiative participated in conference held by the Levant Wikipedia, a group belonging to Arab Wikipedia users and includes in addition to the Levant group, Iraq and Maghreb groups.

The Conference, which was held in Amman from 24 to 26th March, 2016, was attended by the Director of the initiative, Doctor Sbaihat and a number of students who are members of the initiative, namely Ruba Abu Rumi, Juhaina Mdanat, Noor Ramahi, and Bara'a Jerida.

The students portrayed the achievements of the initiative which were read by millions of people online, and stated that the initiative is currently seeking to translate literary novels, recording audio files of Wikipedia articles, and enrich the image store of the Wikimedia (Commons) by capturing images of college students in Jordan and in foreign countries and uploading them on the encyclopedia.

Wikipedia activists from various Arab countries and some foreign countries such as America, France, Germany, Italy participated in the conference. The representatives of the main organization Wikimedia attended the event in order to discuss organizing future training workshops for Arab activists. Activists exchanged their knowledge and experiences and offered suggestions to invite the largest number of the Arab community to build knowledge through the encyclopedia which ranks seventh on Alexa and is expected to occupy higher ranks in the coming years.


The  Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​hosted in coordination with Dr. Ahlam  Sbaihat  the prominent journalist, writer and expert in media , Yahya Shuqair,  to talk about how to pick and choose what we read in the media. During the  seminar, Shuqair discussed with the audience the three main factors that affect the media system: legislation, professionalism, and ethics, stressing that if one factor is missing, the reputation of the newspaper will be affected and the whole system may collapse.

In addition, Shuqair displayed local and Arab news and discussed its content with the students and teachers who attended the event. He urged the  student to look for the objective truth and to take actions against misleading media.​​​ 


Under the patronage of Professor Musa Lozi Vice President for Humanities Faculties Affairs and HE the Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Henry Wooster, and in the presence of Dr. Adnan Smadi Dean of the faculty of Foreign Languages and Ms. Ragini Gupta, Public Affairs Officer at the American Embassy and a large number of faculty member, the American Corner started the American Cultural Week.

Professor Musa Lozi talked about the strong academic ties between  Jordan and the US and the continued support of the American government for the academic programs, student exchange, and the cultural activities held in the cornerDoctor Smadi stressed that the faculty aims at expanding the cooperation with the American Embassy in different areas in order to organize more extracurricular activities. Additionally, Smadi invited everyone to participate in the Sports Day which will be held in the Faculty of Foreign Languages next ​​Thursday and which is supported by the American Embassy and the American Corner.


Under the patronage of His Excellency, the Korean Ambassador, and the Vice President for Humanities Faculties Affairs, the faculty inaugurated two  classrooms that are furbished by the Korean Embassy.

Lozi stressed that the university is keen to promote bridges of scientific research and cultural  and academic cooperation with foreign embassies, adding that the Korean Embassy plays an important role in supporting and developing the educational environment in the Faculty of Foreign Languages by providing it with various educational equipment.

Dean of The Faculty of Foreign Languages extended his sincerest thanks and appreciation to HE the Korean Ambassador for his continuous efforts to support The Faculty of Foreign Languages and spread the Korean language and culture.


Under the patronage of the  Vice President of Humanities Faculties Affairs, Professor Musa Lozi, and Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages,  Dr. Adnan Smadi,  The Faculty  of organized the annual Sports Day on Thursday, 28/4/2016. Participants began the activities by walking starting from the Faculty of Foreign Languages up to the plane of the martyr, Moath Kasasbeh. The dean and a number of academic and administrative  staff members participated in this activity. There was also a presentation by Drug Enforcement Administration  about types of drugs and its dangerous effects in addition to a musical show by an American band organized in collaboration with the US Embassy. The activities  concluded with games and sport competitions between the students and staff members organized by the Students' Union.​

The students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized a trip to Wadi Al-Shita on Saturday, 04.30.2016 which is located in the capital, Amman  in  Wadi Al-Seir  And which  is one of the most prominent tourist areas in the spring.  The students were supervised by Dr. Raya Kalaldah, Mrs. Heba Rihani and Mr. Firas Awamleh. The trip included educational games such as chess and poetry contests, singing and sports games such as badminton. We wish our students the best on their final exams.​


The Faculty of Foreign Languages held on Tuesday, 26/4/2016 a meeting with graduate students. Different academic topics were discussed and the students made some suggestions that will help improve the educational process​.


Dr. Shireen Qaqeesh, Assistant Dean for Quality Assurance, attended an international forum about the role of  quality and evaluation in higher education Service) at Alexandria University after being officially invited by The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, (AUF) and Alexandria University. The attendants discussed means of internal and external evaluation in higher education institutions, indicators and measurements of performance and global classifications.


Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dr. Adnan Smadi, and Assistant Dean for Quality Assurance, Dr. Shireen Qaqeesh, heads of departments, and the Chief of Diwan met the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Team, that consists of Professor Faleh Alsoair, Dr. Ahmed Abd Al-Salam, Hadeel Tawalbeh, and Reem Qudah, in a field visit to the Faculty of Foreign Languages on ​​Sunday 15 / 5/2016. The attendants discussed accreditation standards and quality assurance procedures as well as the academic programs, courses and faculty members’ data.

On June 1st 2016, in the presence of Dr. Bagdagul Musa, Coordinator of Turkish-English section and some faculty academic stuff, The Turkish-English Section in the Department of Asian Languages honored its students for their academic achievements and hard work.​

Fr. Dr. Rifat Bader, General Director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media visited The Faculty of Foreign Languages in order to discuss with the Dean, Dr. Adnan Smadi, the possibility of supporting Jerusalem in the Eyes of Contemporary World Literature Conference which will be held in the University of Jordan from 4-6/October/2016. The  meeting was attended by  Dr. Shireen Qaqish, Assistant Dean for Quality Assurance, Dr. Akram Odeh, Head of the Department of French Language, and Dr. Yazeed Hammoury.​

On Thursday, September 8, 2016, under the auspices of Dean of The Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor Mahmoud Al-Shra’ah, the faculty held the graduation ceremony of the ninth cohort in Al Hassan bin Talal auditorium / Deanship of Student Affairs. The event was attended by academic and administrative faculty members and graduate students: (136) undergraduate student and (18) graduate students.

The event included a speech delivered by Professor Al-Shra’ah as well as speeches delivered by the graduates.

At the end, Professor Al-Shra’ah distributed the certificates to the graduates.


Under the patronage of Prof. Mahmoud Al-Shra’ah, Dean of The Faculty of Foreign Languages, and in the presence of Dr. Bagdagul Mussa Head of the Department of Asian Languages, a delegation from Shenyang Normal University that consist of Mr. Li Tiejun,, Vice President of SNU and Vice President of TAG-CI Board, Mr. Zhang Wei, Director of the office of International Exchange and Cooperation of SNU, and member of TAG-CI board, Mr. Lu Quan,, Director of the Office of Finance and Assets Management of SNU, and member of TAG-CI board, Mr. Li Feng,, Dean of College of International Business of SNU, member of TAG-CI board, and  MS. Hu Bo, Head of the office of Confucius Institute Affairs of SNU, visited the faculty in order to discuss means of academic cooperation, students exchange scholarships opportunities between the two universities that will help improve the teaching methods of the Chinese language. The meeting was arranged in accordance with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute that promised to facilitate building new bridges between UJ and Shenyang Normal University.   ​




Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor Mahmoud Shra'ah, and the family of the faculty extend their sincere congratulations to

Dr. Ghaleb Rababah

For winning Abdul Hameed Shoman for Arab Researchers Prize for the year 2015/2016 in literature, humanities and social sciences and educational field. This achievement is added to the great achievements of the faculty.



On Tuesday, October 11th, 2016 Prof. Abdul Majid Asalahin  gave a seminar on the concept of extremism, its causes and treatment  that was held at the American Corner. The event was attended by a large number of students who enriched the lecture with their questions.

On Oct. 12th, 2016, The Third Korean Speech Contest was held in Hussein Cultural Center under the patronage of the Korean Ambassador, Lee Bum-yeon, and Vice President for Humanities Faculties Prof. Dr. Ahmad Majdoubeh. The event was also attended by  Dean of the faculty of Foreign Languages, Prof. Dr.  Mahmoud Al-Shra’ah, Head of Asian department, Dr. Bagdagul Mussa, Coordinator of the Korean-English Section, Dr. Park Byoungju, KOIKA members, Cho Moon-hwa and Kim Mi-ae, and a number of students and their families. The  Winner was Bayan Slaiti, a fourth- year Korean and English languages student who talked about her experience in Korea and some of the mistakes she made. Abrar Bourouba was in the second place, and  Isra Abu Saif and Aya Abu Hatab occupied the  third place. After the contest, there was a Korean drum show (Nanta) performed by KOIKA volunteers.



Supported by Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, ​​Prof. Mahmoud Al-Shra'ah,  and in collaboration with the French Embassy in Amman,  a number of students from The Department of French Language and Literature participate in the annual literary contest in Beirut organized by the Francophone University Agency, The French Publishing House, Goncourt, and the exhibition of Lebanese books.

This contest takes place in the period between 9 -14 Nov.2016. There are participants from  several universities from Syria, Sudan, Djibouti, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. It aims to acquaint students with the latest Francophone literary works and urge them to read and discuss the works during  arranged meetings in which people from different countries get to know each other, interact, and share their ideas. It also aims to give students a pivotal role in the selection of the masterpieces from Francophone literature  that will be translated into Arabic.

This activity goes as follows: First, students of The Department of French Language and Literature in different universities are asked to read eight recent novels.  Then,  each department nominates the student who will represent the department.  After that, the nominated student choses a novel to be discussed in the competition in Beirut.

The Department of French Language and Literature at UJ has chosen  a novel titled  "l"autre qu'on adorait' by the French writer, C. Cusset. The representative is Jarir Daoud.  The representatives of all the universities will meet on 11/11/2016 to announce the winning novel that will be translated into Arabic  by Francophone University Agency.

Mrs. Salwa Nacwzi who is responsible of  the linguistic cooperation at the French Embassy, organized a discussion panel in the presence of Ms. Sophie Bel, The Cultural Attaché to the French embassy in the French Cultural Center on Sunday, 11.06.2016. the event was attended by students participating in the competition from UJ  and Dr. Akram Odeh who is in charge of the competition at UJ.​


Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor Mahmoud  Al-Shra’ah, and Head of the Department of Asian Languages, Dr. Bagdagul Mussa, attended "2016 Workshop for the KOICA Volunteer Program" organized by The Korean Embassy and KOICA Jordan Office on Sunday, November 13, 2016 from 10:00 - 13:00 in Kempinski Hotel in Shmeisani. Dr. Mussa represented the Korean-English Section and talked about KOICA volunteers, Miss MOON – Hwa Cho and Miss KIM Mi-Ae and their activities in the department. She also expressed her gratitude to the Korean Embassy and KOICA for their everlasting support.

For further information about the workshop click on the link below: local/korean-volunteer- programme-marks-decade-social- cultural-interaction-jordan

Director of the Russian Cultural Center, Dr. Vadim Sinyachin, and teachers of the Russian language in Friendship University in Moscow, Dr. Galina Lukianov and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Siniachekn, met a number of students of the Russian language in the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Sinyachkin trained the students to use  modern methods in teaching and called for enhancing the cooperation between Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the University of Jordan in various academic fields.​


The Department of English language and literature, in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Amman, hosted a guest speaker on 15/11/2016 from the U.S. Embassy to give a presentation at the American Corner in the University of Jordan about the history and culture of the native Americans. The speaker, Deb Mak, showed the different customs of each native American tribe, the natives' "first encounter" with the "pilgrims" and the first Thanksgiving. Moreover, Mak talked about the native Americans' current situation in USA, where they still exercise freely their religious worship and have popular sympathy and support to preserve their natural resources away from the intrusion of technology and pollution. The students, in "the American literature until 1800" class, showed an active interaction with the guest speaker by elaborating on many cultural and political issues related to the native Americans. Finally, Dr. Hussein Alhawamdeh, the instructor of the "American literature until 1800" course, thanked the speaker for the memorable presentation, which filled many gaps in the students' understanding to the traditions of the native Americans.


Early Modern English Literature scholar and lecturer at University of Salford Manchester, UK, Dr. Lucia Nigri gave on November 28th, 2016 a talk to a group of PhD students at the Department of English Language & Literature. Dr. Nigri's presentation on Shakespeare's history play King Richard III was addressed, via Skype, to a class convened by Dr. Yousef Awad. Dr. Nigri explained how Shakespeare's play can be read within a context of legitimizing the reign of the House of Tudor represented by King Henry VII who had dethroned King Richard III in 1485. Dr. Nigri's presentation was followed by a productive Q & A session.



The English Department at UJ organized the Chill and Fill event on Tuesday November 22, 2016. Chill and Fill, food for thought and thought for food, is part of a long tradition of the English Department at UJ. It is an informal intellectual and cultural interaction that is held once a year,  where students and teachers meet outside the lectures hall to unwind and enjoy their time. Education's main task in addition to knowledge must be the joy, expansion, and exploration of self, others, and the world to create forums for effective communication. UJ is very keen on creating such opportunities for its students to ensure the highest quality of education.


A delegation from the Department of Modern Languages at Yarmouk University visited the Chinese Language Section in the Department of Asian Languages at the Faculty of Foreign Languages to examine the possibility of establishing a Chinese language specialization at Yarmouk University. The delegation consisted of: Dr. Ziad Al Zoubi / Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Dr. Hussein to leave / Head of the Department of Modern Languages and Dr. Fan Chao Kang / Chinese language teacher. The delegation was received by: Dr. Bagdagul Mussa / Head of the Department of Asian Languages and Dr. Ai Lin / Head of the Chinese Language Section, and Mr. Liu Yong / Chinese language teacher.


Under the patronage of Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor Mahmoud Al-Shra’ah, The Department of Asian Languages organized farewell party for Japanese teacher, Tomoko Matsuda. The Ceremony was opened by Head of the department of Asian Languages,  Dr. Bagdagul Musa, who thanked Tomoko MATSUDA for her untiring effort and cooperation. The Dean expressed his appreciation for her effort in improving the status of Japanese Language at the University of Jordan. After the speech, Tomoko was awarded Certificate of Appreciation.    


With the support and encouragement of Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, ​​Professor Mahmoud Shra'ah, students at the Department of French Language and Literature participated, under the supervision of both Dr. Ibada Hilal and Dr. Akram Odeh, Head of the Department of French Language, in French University Day.

The event was organized in cooperation with The French embassy in Amman on Monday, 11/28/2016. Several universities, research centers, French institutions, and Jordanian schools participated in this activity .

The day aims to acquaint students with university life and to introduce them to higher education disciplines and opportunities of studying in France especially in the fields of translation and teaching French as a foreign language. Odeh, confirmed that the event is part of the department's continuous participation in Francophonie activities  in Jordan

Reem Miqdadi (student) said that students had the opportunity to communicate with different delegates from different universities as well as  people in charge at  the French Embassy. The students also  asked  for some information and had the chance to meet the French ambassador who told them about the embassy's activities and the scholarships available.

It is worth noting that Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor Mahmoud Shra'ah, praised the academic and non-academic activities organized by  the  students and faculty members at the Department of French Language and Literature, especially the participation in Francophone activities.​


On December 1st 2016, KOICA volunteers cooperation activity, "Sweet Hands", was organized by the Department of Asian Languages at the University of Jordan in  Amman. KOICA volunteers Cho Moon Hwa and Kim Mi Ae, who are dispatched as Korean Language teachers, participated in the event.

“Sweet Hands” is a public campaign which aims at raising the awareness of the young generation in Jordan about environment protection. The campaign included a lecture by the Jordanian Minister of Environment, exhibitions, and various activities. During  these activities, which lasted for more than 5 hours, around 200 students learned the importance of environment protection and how to keep the environment clean.​

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